MR. Massimo Conti


Chartered accountant and statutory auditor, partner of the firm.

Born in 1952. Degree in economics and commerce from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Florence.

  • Registered under no. 1119/section A of the Association of Certified Accountants at the Order of Florence.
    • Listed in the Register of Statutory Auditors under no. 86026, provision published in the Official Journal 77 – IV special series of 28/09/1999.
    • Listed in the Register of Technical Consultants set up at the Court of Florence in the category of “chartered accountants”.

·       Tax and contractual consultancy
·       Corporate and organisational consultancy
·       Financial statements and declarations
·       Extraordinary operations
·       Board of statutory auditors

  • Consulenza fiscale e contrattuale

  • Consulenza societaria e organizzativa

  • Bilanci e diachiarazioni

  • Operazioni straordinarie

  • Collegi sindacali



Il nostro Team di professionisti sarà a vostra disposizione per cercare di risolvere ogni vostra richiesta di natura fiscale e amministrativa. Scriveteci pure, senza impegno. Verrete ricontattati quanto prima.
